Does Nexgard Have Side Effects? How To Use Nexgard Spectra Correctly.

Last updated on February 11th, 2025

In our article, we will discuss in detail; Does NexGard Have Side Effects? & How To Use NexGard Spectra Correctly. 

What are NexGard Spectra Chewable Tablet?


The NexGard product consists of afoxolaner, a parasiticide belonging to the isoxazoline family of drugs. These chewable tablets have been shown to protect dogs from Lyme disease. With NexGard Spectra, dogs are also protected from external and internal parasites with a single treatment. 

Flea and tick infestations have greatly increased in dogs, which has led to the increase in flea and tick control medicines. Despite this, there are a limited number of effective and easy-to-use flea treatments available. Among such highly effective medications are NexGard Spectra for dogs.

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NexGard Spectra Side Effects:

Although NexGard is generally well tolerated by dogs, it does have some specific side effects that are listed on its label. It is important to understand the side effects of this chewable tablet before you give it to your dog. Consult your veterinarian without delay if your dog experiences adverse effects from this medication.

Dogs who react to or suffer from the side effects of this popular flea and tick treatment may develop NexGard allergies. Afoxolaner, the active ingredient in this oral preventative, may not be well-received by all dogs.

While there are side effects associated with many flea and tick treatments; it is still important to provide your dog with some sort of flea and tick preventative to help prevent Lyme disease and other diseases. It is especially important to do this if your dog walks outside regularly and if you live in an area where ticks and fleas are common.

Different dogs will have different signs of an adverse reaction to NexGard. The common side effects of NexGard include:

  • Dry & flaky skin
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting 

How To Use NexGard Spectra Correctly?

NexGard Spectra is a beef-flavored chew that should only be consumed orally. For convenience in dosage, NexGard Spectra can be taken with or without food. From the foil-backed blister card, take out only one chewable at a time. The NexGard Spectra chew is highly palatable for dogs and is easily ingested as a treat. Alternatively, you can break it up into pieces and mix them with food for your dog to eat. Furthermore, the product label lists all the details and instructions for use. It also includes some other instructions on how to use it. Here are a few:

Age & Weight Limit

Your puppy can be given NexGard as soon as he reaches the age of 8 weeks and weighs at least 2 kg. Your veterinarian may be able to prescribe a different parasite control method for your dog if he weighs less than 2 kilograms or is younger than eight weeks of age. Moreover, dogs weighing over 60 kg should receive a combination of chewable tablets suitable to their weight. For example, a 75 kg dog should receive one NexGard Spectra Extra Large Dogs chew (30.1-60kg) in combination with another NexGard Spectra Medium Dogs chew (7.6-15kg).


Excessive treatment is not required or recommended with NexGard chews. The chews provide comprehensive protection for one month. So, to make sure your dog is always protected, give him his shot every month on the same day. Furthermore, setting a monthly reminder on your phone is also a good idea.


When giving NexGard to your dog, the chew must be swallowed completely by the dog. To ensure the chew is not lost or rejected, dogs should be observed for a few minutes after giving the chew. You may want to give another full chew if it appears any of the chew has been lost. 

Advantages of NexGard Chewable:

NexGard chewable tablets also offer various benefits to dogs. The following are just a few of them:

  • This flea prevention medicine is incredibly effective and more powerful than any other oral flea treatment. Both ticks and fleas can be killed with just one chew. NexGard’s active ingredient is absorbed within six hours, providing rapid flea protection. Fleas are killed within eight hours after chewing NexGard.
  • By killing adult fleas before they lay eggs and preventing infestations, this medicine is safe and effective for the entire month.
  • The product can be used to get rid of ticks such as lone star ticks, brown dog ticks, and black-legged ticks.
  • It can also be used in combination with anthelmintics, antibiotics, or vaccinations.
  • NexGard tablets are an oral treatment for dogs, so you do not have to worry when you take them swimming or bathing.
  • The medicine will also prevent subsequent flea infestations after the treatment for the current infestation has begun.
  • Furthermore, since the medicine’s expiration date is two years after manufacturing, it has a long shelf life.

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Take Preventive Measures When Taking NexGard:

NexGard is considered safe for dogs, however, it is still a good idea to take precautions. Here are some of the preventive measures;

  • NexGard should not be given to dogs that have had seizures in the past. You should consult with your veterinarian before administering any medication to your dog for safety.
  • Because NexGard is not suitable for human consumption, you should keep it away from children.
  • Whenever you give NexGard to your dog, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterward.

Check This Video On YouTube That Shows How Nexgard Spectra Works –

Check out our NexGard Spectra Reviews – Very Small To Extra Large Dogs  for more information.

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1- For How long does NexGard side effects last?

If your dog is allergic to NexGard, your veterinarian will advise you to stop giving it to him. Furthermore, they will offer an alternative method for treating fleas and ticks. Often, your veterinarian will wait before performing an expensive test. In the meantime, the symptoms will go away once your dog stops taking the NexGard Spectra chews. How long does it last is a serious question that arises at this stage. You should keep in mind that this may take some time since flea and tick treatments are given after every month and may remain in the body for at least 30 days. 

2- How often to use NexGard Spectra?

The dog should be dosed once a month, ideally on the same day of the month. Providing total protection against fleas, ticks, mites, heartworms, and intestinal worms, NexGard Spectra provides a delicious chew that keeps your dogs healthy. 

3- Approximately how long does it take NexGard Spectra to begin working?

NexGard Spectra kills fleas and ticks within six to twelve hours for a whole month. Newly acquired fleas can be killed by rapid action and continuous treatment before they can lay eggs, protecting your dog’s health.

Final Thoughts 

Using NexGard will make sure your dog is flea and tick-free. Furthermore, the medication prevents your dog from acquiring parasite-infected illnesses apart from flea infestation. NexGard is a smart choice for pet care because it is highly regarded as one of the best medications. 

As with any product, it is important to know how NexGard will affect your pet. In addition to NexGard’s benefits, it also carries some side effects. You can always ask your veterinarian for advice if you are not sure which treatment is right for your pet.

We hope you have enjoyed our article; Does NexGard Have Side Effects? How To Use NexGard Spectra Correctly.

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